Our very first collection was inspired by a swanky Hanukkah party set in the 1960's and accidentally attended by Santa-effing-Claus himself (navigation error, big guy?). Think pickle cocktails, latkes, mountains of glittery presents, a giant menorah, Jews harps, and gelt. Lots and lots of gelt.
Check out the full “Santa’s First Hanukkah” story here!
From left to right, you're looking at the Spinmaster, Spinster, Borough Park, Crown Heights and Geltdigger Hanukkah sweaters. Spinmaster and Spinster feature a repeating dreidel print, Borough Park and Crown Heights feature a happy Hassidic snow family (dubbed Snorthodox by fans), and Geltdigger is a shimmery gelt print featuring wrapped and unwrapped chocolate gelt.
SPOILER ALERT! Despite having a bazillion presents to deliver, Santa says "eff it" and decides to hang out with the Jews for Hanukkah. What can we say? Santa's got good taste. Above, the girls admire Santa's impressive beard, while the guys look on admiringly. The cat clearly doesn't care about beards. Check out the full "Santa's First Hanukkah" story here.
Photography: Jay Diebel -
Modeling: Colby Kline (Geltdigger), Jonathan Ross (Spinmaster), Alex Knox (Borough Park), Sara Lukasiewicz (Spinster), and Heather Finch (Crown Heights). Our Santa (who is the best Santa in history) is Santa Dave.
Hair & Makeup: Catherine Crump, Makeup by Catherine
Styling & Creative Direction: Carin Agiman